Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior!
We left on Wednesday, June 23rd for Gbedi in the Volta Region of Ghana. Gbedi is a small village where Mt. Afajdato is located near the border of Togo. Mt. Afajdato is the highest mountain in Ghana and it attracts many visitors.
The months of June and July are the rainy season in Ghana which makes traveling a little more difficult so it took us 2 1/2 hours of driving to reach Gbedi.
When we arrived to our destination, we evangelized the lost by preaching, sharing tracts, and explaining the messages on the tracts as well.
God was good to us and worked with us. We witnessed about 132 people come to the Lord as we passed out 443 Gospel tracts. In addition, there were 9 backslidden people who rededicated their lives to Jesus Christ. Three people were healed by the power of the Holy Spirit. One lady had been disabled as a result of an accident but after prayer she walked! We thank God for the salvations and healings and thank you all for making it possible to travel every week to work for God. Together we are a formidable team and we will continue as long as the Lord permits and provides for our needs.
Once again God bless you all!
Below are photos of us witnessing. Also there are photos of Mt. Afajdato and other sights.

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