The Outreach To Kotobabi – March 3, 2017
Report by Rev. John Harrison We give Praise and Glory to God for using us to preach and share the word of God to the unsaved. The team went to Kotobabi, a suburb of Accra. We went to one of the most dangerous areas where they sell drugs, India hemp (marijuana) and other hard drugs. It wasn't easy at the beginning but God worked things miraculously and they paid attention to us even as we preached and shared gospel tracts. We preached and shared tracts to over 69 people and 36 gave their lives to Jesus as their Lord and Savior. We ...

Progress Report as of January 31ST 2017
PROGRESS REPORT AS OF JANUARY 31st 2017 Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Once again I take this opportunity to testify of the goodness of the Lord. In my last report, I mentioned our yearly Xmas convention of all our church branches which was held at Monome in Akatsi on the 24th -27th December, 2016 with the theme ONLY JESUS CAN SAVE (ACTS 4:12). One of the major items on the programe was a special intercessory prayer to God, for the deliverance of the whole town of Monome from the Satanic bondage of idol worship ...

2016 – December 31 – Progress Report From Rev. Dotse
PROGRESS REPORT FOR DECEMBER 31st, 2016 Calvary greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. This is to wish all of you a Merry Christmas in arrears, and a Happy Prosperous New Year in advance. The Almighty God continues to show us His Mercies and Goodness all the time. We have started the foundations for the permanent Chapel Building of the branch Church in Akeve, because the temporal structure where they worship has begun to crumble. We had this year’s Annual Convention in Monome Akatsi with the THEME: ONLY JESUS CAN SAVE (Acts 4:12) which started from ...
Three-Day Crusade In Monome – Akatsi – October 30, 2016
PROGRESS REPORT - 30TH OCTOBER, 2016 Calvary greetings in the Name of Jesus. We thank God, for his grace and mercies towards us his children. We had a three day outdoor crusade in Monome –Akatsi, which we have also named the CITY OF HOPE. On Sunday 29th October, 2016 (9) Nine new convents were Baptized after several weeks of going through the Water Baptism Classes. The weekly Prison Ministry is still on going, and also the weekly Radio Bible Teaching Programme, titled, TIME WITH THE LIVING WORD, is still in progress. THE AKEVE BRANCH Some new converts who are now ...

Three Day Crusade & Baptisms – Monome –Akatsi – October, 2016
Calvary greetings in the Name of Jesus. We thank God, for his grace and mercies towards us, his children. We had a three day outdoor crusade in Monome –Akatsi, which we have also named the CITY OF HOPE. On Sunday 29th October, 2016 (9) Nine new convents were Baptized after several weeks of going through the Water Baptism Classes. The weekly Prison Ministry is still on going, and also the weekly Radio Bible Teaching Programme, titled, TIME WITH THE LIVING WORD, is still in progress. AKEVE BRANCH Some new convents who are now attending Baptismal Classes will undergo water Baptism ...

2016 – August – Outreach To Amanfrom
The CMM team went to Amanfrom near Kasoa in the Central Region, for Evangelism. They preached the word and shared tracts. Many souls were won to Christ. 22 people gave their lives to Christ the first day and 29 the second day, including two Muslim girls who gave their lives to Christ. About 30 people rededicated their lives to Jesus Christ as well. (Sometimes people come to rededicate their life to Christ and we count them among those who were saved.) One woman was sick of tuberculosis for over 3 years and she has been coughing blood. The team prayed ...

2016 – July – Outreach To Pokuase
We bless God for what He has been doing in our lives. After the Asesewa Evangelism, the team rested for one week and continue at Pokuase. By God's grace, the team went everywhere sharing tracts and preaching the Gospel and many souls were saved and touched as we minister and prayed with them. We prayed for a lady with a boil and swollen neck. She was healed and could then eat. We Praise God for this miracle! ...

2016 – June – Outreach To Amasaman
Glory be to the most high God who has been faithful to us. On the first day the team went from house to house, stores, local restaurants etc., to share tracts and preach the gospel of our lord Jesus Christ. After the last evangelism report from Amasaman, the people were happy to receive the good news so the team went again and this time a notable miracle took place. One lady was pregnant (she is the one in the yellow dress in the photo below) and after many scans the doctors could not find ...

2016 – June 20 – 23 – Outreach To Asesewa (Eastern Ghana)
On Monday 20th June 2016 a team of four including C.M.M. administrator Rev. Steve Nartey, Matthew Kernu, head of evangelism, and two members of Evangelism team embarked on a three day missionary assignment to Asesewa in the Eastern part of Ghana. It is a journey of about four hours drive from the Capital of Accra. Asesewa is predominantly a farming community, being surrounded by villages. The team arrived in Asesewa at 2:00 p.m. and immediately proceeded to Asesewa Senior High School to witness to the students, our main focus for the day. Fortunately for the team, the following ...
2016 – May – Progress Report From Rev. Dotse – Monome – Akatsi
PROGRESS REPORT FOR MAY 31, 2016. Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, Who has preserved us for good works in the Lord. We spent this month in prayer meetings and outdoor crusade programmes in the town of Monome. We are yet to conclude one week revival meeting by this coming Sunday the 5th June 2016. We have started running an advert in the local FM Radio Station in Akatsi with regards to our school, ACADEMIC GLORIOUS HOPE an arm of the Church. We have also completed plans to hold a teaching service programme on the same ...