The fields of the earth are ripe for harvest and God is doing a great work in Ghana, West Africa and India!   C.M.M. is blessed to have a small part in it.

On the following pages, you will find various articles but the most important ones are the evangelism reports.  At least once a month the Covenant Messenger Ministries Outreach Team in Ghana visits villages and cities giving their testimonies, passing out tracts, praying with and for people in their service to the Lord.  There is nothing more important than bringing the lost into the Kingdom of God and it is very rare when the team returns without a good report of people accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

In addition to Ghana, we are also sponsoring two ministries in India.  Both are bringing hundreds to the Lord, baptizing and discipling the new converts as well.  Each month, C.M.M. is sending support to Grace Children’s Home in India.  A home for children without parents and others from dysfunctional families.   At present the school supports about 37 children.   It is a daily struggle for the staff to provide bare necessities for the children.  Your prayers and financial support are greatly appreciated.    

Please read the following accounts of salvations,  deliverances, and healings and may you be blessed as you do.   

Click here for the Daily Bible Reading Plan:       

Speaking Blessings

Speaking Blessings by Val Black “GOD BLESS YOU!” or, “GESUNDHEIT!” Everyone has heard this when they have a cold or hay fever We all like to be blessed but how often do we speak blessing to others?  When somebody sneezes we say "God bless you!" Or "gesundheit!" That's probably about how much blessing we speak to others but do we know what it means? The phrase "God bless you!" is thought to have originated in Europe in 1347.  It was at that time the bubonic plague spread throughout Europe and other parts of the world killing 25 million people.  Every ...

Lepers Receive Bread & Blankets

    Many people mistakenly believe that leprosy is a disease of the past, but it remains to be a problem. In 2021-2022, India reported 75,394 cases, making up 52% of the total cases worldwide.  The majority of people in the world today experienced the COVID-19 pandemic, which made it necessary for everyone to change their lifestyle.  We wore masks, made sure we took vitamins and avoided crowds. Think for a second about how your life was transformed then, and you'll begin to grasp a glimpse of the daily struggles of a leper.  We support two men in India who have ...

School Supplies Provided For The Orphans

We want to thank all of you who have donated funds for Grace Children's Home in India.  At the beginning of this school year, the kids needed school supplies, which amounted to over $500.  Thanks to your sacrificial giving, we could provide that much, and they were all blessed with the required materials. Below are recent photos of them with their new school supplies.  The smiles are because of you!      ...

An Overview of C.M.M. Ghana 2023

"Better late than never" is said and certainly pertains to this update on the 2023 review for C.M.M. Ghana.  In a recent update, the Ghana ministry has now been moved to Holy Spirit Ministries, Int'l., located in Claremore, Oklahoma.  Mrs. Jerry (Paula) Smith, David, and Stacey Limerick are doing a great job at leading the ministry forward. I (Val Black) recently came across a review of 2023 sent to us by Rev. John Harrison.  Below are excerpts of his message and I apologize that it is being posted so late: ~ ~ ~  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ...

A New Water Well For The Bonda Tribe – March 2024

In March of 2024, the ministry was blessed with a monetary gift to drill one water well in India.  The money was wired to India and within three days a new well was drilled and producing water.  Now, no more walking 2 to 5 miles to carry 4 gallons of contaminated water from any source available.  Good, clean, cool water from a well is available and ready to serve 650 families!  We give God all the glory for this great blessing!    As most people of the Bonda tribes are animists (the belief that objects, places, and creatures all possess a ...

Water And The Bonda Tribe of India

"In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water."  (John 7:37-38) Among the mountains of Andhra Pradesh, India, lives a tribe of people who dream of having good, clean water for their families someday.  In addition, they are also an unreached tribe of people, most of whom have never heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ.   In the meantime, they get water for drinking ...

To Every Thing There Is A Season . . . .

Ecclesiastes 3:1, "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven". Many years ago the Lord blessed Julie and me with the ministry in Ghana, West Africa. We sent them Bibles, Gospel tracts, videos, cassettes, books, and curriculum for Bible schools. We were so grateful for the amazing outcomes from the evangelism team and pastors who dedicated their time to bring people to the Kingdom of Heaven. The Covenant Messenger Ministries Bible schools produced large numbers of graduates, many of whom were commissioned to serve in the ministry of the Lord. The Covid-19 ...

Outreach to Kwahu Adawso – Jan. 31 to Feb. 2, 2024

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord! On Wednesday, January 31 the C.M.M. Evangelism Team of Ghana traveled three hours and twenty minutes to reach Kwahu Adawso.  We stayed until Sunday, February 2, 2024.  Farming is the main occupation in the area, especially the growing of vegetables. While there we shared Gospel tracts and also translated the messages on the tracts from English to the Akan language so they could clearly understand the messages.  Below is a summary of our activities: We shared 588 tracts from house to house and on the streets, shops, and farm lanes.  By ...

Christmas At Grace Children’s Home

Christmas came to Grace Children's Home a little late this year but it did come and the children were very happy to receive their gifts, which is evident from the smiles on their faces.  Each child received a piece of clothing.  We would have liked to provide a little more such as hygiene items, i.e., toothbrushes, toothpaste, combs, etc., but they were happy to get their one gift.  If you would like to support one or more of the children each month, please click on the link on the right-hand side that says, "Support-a-child".  Thank you and may God richly ...

Outreach to Yaohiamankrom – December 14-16, 2023

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you!  God has been good to us all and we are grateful for his love, protection, and mercies toward us.  On December 14, 2023, we drove over 3 hours from Accra to Yaohiamankrom in the Ashanti Region of Ghana.  We were in Yaohiamankrom until December 16 when we returned to Accra.    By God’s grace, while we were there we could share 544 Gospel tracts and also preached the Word of God.  Bro. Val had sent us a very good video message on Unforgiveness.   We preached the same message to the people ...