(A note from Val: “How does revival begin? It begins with each individual Christian. Evangelist Billy Sunday was once asked how you start a revival. He took a piece of chalk, drew a circle on the floor, stepped into the circle, and said, “You pray this: Lord start a revival, and start it in this circle!”
In these latter days, there is so much evil, so much despair, so much agony, and so much ignorance of Jesus, of the Word of God and its Author the Holy Spirit, that people are turning to drugs, alcohol, radical ideologies, and unfortunately, to suicide, as answers to their hopelessness. But the Good News is this, the Son of God came to earth manifested in the flesh as Jesus Christ and has made a way for every man, woman, and child to live life eternally, never to be affected by the curses brought on by our ancestor, Adam.
The Second Adam, Jesus, has redeemed all of mankind but each of us must accept what He has done on our behalf, must ask forgiveness of sin, and believe that Jesus died, resurrected, and now is in Heaven sitting at the Right Hand of God. It’s not so hard but millions have yet to hear of the Good News.
Our evangelism team is devoted to reaching out to as many in Ghana as the Lord leads them. This report below is just one of many that come to us so we can report back to you what your offerings are doing. Rev. John Harrison, leader of the team, wrote the report and included photos. Be blessed in reading the report!)
Greetings in the powerful name of Jesus!
We left Accra on Tuesday 1st June 10 a.m. and travelled about 3 and ½ hours from to Ehiamankyene in the Eastern Region of Ghana. (The village name means “We need salt”). We arrived by 1:30 p.m..
The members of the evangelism team are: Harrison, Matthew, David, and Michael.
We evangelized by preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and explaining the messages on the tracts as we shared them with the people. We also prayed for the sick.
In all, 545 tracts were given out and about 166 people surrendered to Jesus as their Savior while 21 rededicated their lives to Him. In addition, 4 people testified of their healing.
The figures above proof God is a wonderful and all Glory goes to Him! Photos below:
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