Support-A-Child – Grace Children’s Home
Covenant Messenger Ministries is teaming up with Rev. Sikila Cornelius and his Grace Children's Home in India. Although there are about 100 children in some of the group photos, there are approximately 38 of the children now living at the home and they are in need of sponsors to help feed and clothe them. The other children come from various homes to take part in Bible study and to be fed in the afternoons. The Home has not had support for about two years and they are desperate for assistance to maintain the daily needs for the children living there. We have been led of God to ask people to sponsor a child at the cost of $25/month, the average cost for providing food, clothing and hygienical items such as soap, toothpaste, etc. If you would like to sponsor a child, click on the "Support-A-Child" Donate button below. Or if you wish, you can let us know by emailing us at: valblack.cmm@gmail.com. ...
Please click the Donate button to Support-A-Child:

New Chairs for Grace Children’s Home!
The gift of 50 plastic chairs recently blessed the orphans at Grace Children's Home. These chairs were very much needed for the orphanage. God heard their prayers and answered them. God is good, all the time! ...
Grace Children’s Home
Below is a very short video of the children of Grace Children's Home in India. This ministry supports the home each month with funds supplied by people who are led to give. These children are given a home, food, and other needs as funds are available. The Christmas season is upon us, and it would mean so much to them if they could receive a gift. Can you help? Any amount would be appreciated. Please make this Christmas extra special for the children, and may God richly bless you. To give, click here: ...

A New Roof For The Grace Children’s Home Compound!
From the very beginning, Grace Children's Home has needed a roof to shelter the area where the children play, study, and eat meals. This month, director Rev. Sikila Cornelius took a courageous step and applied for a loan at a nearby bank, and by the grace of God, he successfully secured the funds. Materials were ordered and the construction began. Today, it is a nicely finished compound with a new floor and a roof to protect people from the elements. The project cost was $3,066, which must be paid to the bank. Tables and chairs for the children are also needed. ...

School Supplies Provided For The Orphans
We want to thank all of you who have donated funds for Grace Children's Home in India. At the beginning of this school year, the kids needed school supplies, which amounted to over $500. Thanks to your sacrificial giving, we could provide that much, and they were all blessed with the required materials. Below are recent photos of them with their new school supplies. The smiles are because of you! ...

Christmas At Grace Children’s Home
Christmas came to Grace Children's Home a little late this year but it did come and the children were very happy to receive their gifts, which is evident from the smiles on their faces. Each child received a piece of clothing. We would have liked to provide a little more such as hygiene items, i.e., toothbrushes, toothpaste, combs, etc., but they were happy to get their one gift. If you would like to support one or more of the children each month, please click on the link on the right-hand side that says, "Support-a-child". Thank you and may God richly ...

August 15 – Independence Day in India!
On August 15, 1947, India gained its independence. Just as the Fourth of July is a day of celebration in the U.S. the same is true in India but on a different day. The children at Grace Children's Home celebrated this day with special edible treats and gifts of lunch boxes to take to school. Below are photos of the children with their treats. From the smiles on their faces, it looked like it was a success! ...

Grace Children’s Home – June 2023
The orphans at Grace Children's Home are doing well and as you can see by these photos, it was feeding time at the home. James 1:27 says, "Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you." (New Living Translation) In his epistle, James is making it clear that in God's Eyes true religion is putting aside your own interests and caring for those unable to care for themselves. In other words, "self" is either controlling you or you are in control ...

Important Gifts For The Orphans – November 2022
Here in the U.S., we take so much for granted. For instance, when was the last time you went without a toothbrush and/or toothpaste? How about soap? For many in India, these items are not taken for granted. In fact, you could say they are considered to be items of luxury, available only to the "rich". Thanks to many of you, this ministry is able to continue to feed the orphans and pay the staff but sometimes God provides a little extra, and we are able to give more to the orphanage. That happened recently. We received a little above ...

Smiles at Grace Children’s Home in India – 2022
Below are photos of the orphans at Grace Children's Home at dinner time. By the smiles on their faces, it's obvious they are happy to be cared for, even with a simple rice and curry meal. Thanks to those of you who contribute regularly to this cause. Let's keep 'em smiling! Lastly, there are also photos of a recent revival meeting held by Rev. Cornelius. Below are photos of a revival meeting. At the podium is Rev. Sikila Cornelius and his wife, Theresa ...

Mosquito Nets for Grace Children’s Home – September, 2022
It has been a while since we posted news from India so here is the latest: August 2022 - The Lord blessed Grace Children's Home in India with mosquito nets through this ministry. This time of year, mosquitoes are very thick, so mosquito nets will make sleeping at night more comfortable. Using the nets will also help prevent the kids from contracting malaria, a disease spread by mosquitoes. Rev. Cornelius messaged us to say the kids were thrilled to get the nets, which is obvious from the smiles on their faces in the photos. Each net can cover two children ...