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Feeding Children of the Poor in India – 2021
In March of 2021 the director of Grace Children's Home and a few volunteers were able to visit villages outside of the orphanage and by the Grace of God they were able to give meals of rice and curry to hungry Dalit children. This was a rare occasion because funds are mostly used to feed the children of the orphanage. But there was a little extra this time so it was put to good use. The kids in the video get a little excited and it's evident by the chatter. Thank you for your giving to this ministry so we ...
Mountain Tribal Outreach In India – January 11, 2021
(A note from Val: When all is said and done in this world only one thing that will stand for all of eternity is the answer to the question, "Do you know Jesus as Savior?". Your voting preference will not matter, nor will the balance in your checkbook, the home you own, or the car you drive. The number of friends you have will not matter and whether you have a close relationship with your pastor or priest will be lost in time. The most important answer to the question asked above is, "Yes! I know Him!". The report you ...
Celebrating Christmas – Grace Children’s Home in India – December 20, 2020
Thanks to the love and faithfulness of a few supporters of the ministry we were able to relay support to Rev. Sikila Cornelius, founder of Grace Children's Home in India. On December 20, 2020 a great celebration of our Lord's birth took place with over 800 attending and sharing in a meal. Children, widows and pastors received gifts of clothing, etc., during the celebration. Photos below do not need much explanation as the smiles on their faces says it all. They were blessed and we give God all the glory for it. Many thanks to those of you who gave ...
It Was Children’s Day At Grace Children’s Home – Nov. 14, 2020
Saturday, November 14 was Children's Day in India. Children's Day is celebrated across India to increase awareness of the rights, care and education of children. It is celebrated every year on 14th of November as a tribute to India's First Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru. Fondly known as Chacha (uncle) Nehru among children, he advocated for children to have fulfilled a education. At Grace Children's Home the children did their exercises and then celebrated by eating cake. Other photos taken last Wednesday show the children lining up and receiving their food. ...
Seven New Names In The Lamb’s Book of Life!
We received word from Pastor Cornelius that seven Hindu women have received Jesus as Lord and Savior. The women were previously devout idol worshipers, that is until they met Jesus. It is very difficult to witness in India and especially to those of the Hindu religion. In many places in India a person is taking their life into their hands by evangelizing to the lost. But with God, nothing is impossible! Rev. Cornelius also emphasized a need for Bibles to give to these new converts. One Bible costs $4. Please consider giving for this need. See the link to ...
Feeding The Widows in India – October 30, 2020
The other day I asked Rev. Cornelius in India to begin sending us photos of his everyday activities and include some of Grace Children's Home. So, today we received the following photos. But the first photo needs a little bit of description. The first photo was taken a few months ago before the Covid-19 pandemic. Cornelius would travel to the most remote areas where there was no electricity, no sewers, doctors or hospitals and preach the Gospel to the Dalits, the lowest of the classes of people in India. Since the pandemic his traveling to preach has diminished except ...
Caring For The Hungry In India – October 2020
Pastor Cornelius in India recently sent us the photos below of village children, widows and pastors who are hurting because of the pandemic. Pastor Cornelius was able to provide food and hygienic items to village children. He also gave food to the widows and some pastors. India is 2nd in the world for the highest number of Covid-19 cases. America being no. 1. The biggest difference between the two is there is no government assistance to those who are unable to work, widows, etc., especially to these people who are of the lowest class in that nation. ...
Three Widows Walk 5 Miles for Food
We just received word from Rev. Cornelius in India that three widows showed up at his door asking for food. They heard that he was helping others and so they walked five miles and back for a little rice. This is the reality of suffering brought on by Covid-19. In normal time widows usually depend on their children, other family members and/or friends to survive. Now that people are not able to work it is causing many hardships, especially widows and children. James 1: 7, "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless ...
Feeding the Hungry in India – July 2020
The Covid-19 situation in India is not getting any better. So many people are in lockdown and unable to work to provide for their families. Pastors and their families are starving because church services are cancelled and no tithes or offerings are coming in, which is their only source of income. This ministry supports Rev. Sikila Cornelius and his orphanage but the support we send to him also goes to help feed the needy. We were blessed to learn that because of offerings we have received for India in July, Rev. Cornelius was not only able to feed the ...
India – School Supplies Provided for 172 Children!
Thanks to the generosity and compassion of others, we were able to give Rev. Cornelius in India funds to purchase school supplies for 172 children. The children are Dalits and about half of them are orphans living at Grace Children's Home. Below are photos of the supplies and Rev. Cornelius and wife, Theresa, giving out the materials to some very happy children. Many thanks to those who contributed to this cause. ...