An Overview of C.M.M. Ghana 2023
"Better late than never" is said and certainly pertains to this update on the 2023 review for C.M.M. Ghana. In a recent update, the Ghana ministry has now been moved to Holy Spirit Ministries, Int'l., located in Claremore, Oklahoma. Mrs. Jerry (Paula) Smith, David, and Stacey Limerick are doing a great job at leading the ministry forward. I (Val Black) recently came across a review of 2023 sent to us by Rev. John Harrison. Below are excerpts of his message and I apologize that it is being posted so late: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ...

To Every Thing There Is A Season . . . .
Ecclesiastes 3:1, "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven". Many years ago the Lord blessed Julie and me with the ministry in Ghana, West Africa. We sent them Bibles, Gospel tracts, videos, cassettes, books, and curriculum for Bible schools. We were so grateful for the amazing outcomes from the evangelism team and pastors who dedicated their time to bring people to the Kingdom of Heaven. The Covenant Messenger Ministries Bible schools produced large numbers of graduates, many of whom were commissioned to serve in the ministry of the Lord. The Covid-19 ...

Outreach to Kwahu Adawso – Jan. 31 to Feb. 2, 2024
Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord! On Wednesday, January 31 the C.M.M. Evangelism Team of Ghana traveled three hours and twenty minutes to reach Kwahu Adawso. We stayed until Sunday, February 2, 2024. Farming is the main occupation in the area, especially the growing of vegetables. While there we shared Gospel tracts and also translated the messages on the tracts from English to the Akan language so they could clearly understand the messages. Below is a summary of our activities: We shared 588 tracts from house to house and on the streets, shops, and farm lanes. By ...

Outreach to Yaohiamankrom – December 14-16, 2023
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you! God has been good to us all and we are grateful for his love, protection, and mercies toward us. On December 14, 2023, we drove over 3 hours from Accra to Yaohiamankrom in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. We were in Yaohiamankrom until December 16 when we returned to Accra. By God’s grace, while we were there we could share 544 Gospel tracts and also preached the Word of God. Bro. Val had sent us a very good video message on Unforgiveness. We preached the same message to the people ...

Outreach to Batanyaa – Nov. 29 – Dec. 1, 2023
Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ. On Wednesday, November 29, 2023, the CMM Evangelism team traveled for over 3 hrs. to Batanyaa in the Central Region of Ghana and we were there until Friday, Dec. 1. While there we went from house to house preaching the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. We followed up with street preaching and sharing Gospel tracts to the Glory of God. One lady shared her testimony saying she was converted by reading one of our tracts titled, “God Is Not Mad At You”. She was happy when we mentioned the Bible School to ...

Outreach to Yaohiamankrom – November 1, 2023
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Bros. Matthew and Harrison left Kumasi on November 1st, 2023, and traveled over 3 hours to Yaohiamankrom, which is located in the Ashanti Region, and returned on November 4th. Yaohiamankrom is mostly a farming community. While we were there we shared 447 tracts, preached, and saw over 90 people accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. We also prayed for the sick and 3 people got healed, in Jesus' Name. Glory be to God for Helping us through. GOD BLESS YOU ALL! Regards, Harrison Below are some pictures of the Yaohiamankrom ...

Outreach to Mati Dove – October 3 – 5, 2023
First, this note from Val: This outreach to Mati Dove is extraordinary because of the primitive beliefs still held by the village elders. Here is a brief description that I took from the Hadithi Africa web page: "The village of Mafi Dove, in southern Ghana, is home to around 5,000 people, almost none of whom were born here. Because of an archaic belief that childbirth in the village brings offense to the gods, expectant mothers are rushed to neighboring communities to deliver their babies there. It is also forbidden for anyone to raise an animal in the village. In recent years, ...

Outreach to Jukwa – September 20, 2023
Greetings in the name of Our Lord JESUS CHRIST! On the 20th of September, 2023, the C.M.M. Evangelism team traveled to Jukwa in the Central Region of Ghana. From the office in Accra to Jukwa it is about 107 miles. Due to the poor roads, it took us 3 hours and 20 minutes of traveling time to arrive in Jukwa. To God’s Glory, 171 names were written in the Lamb Book of Life as we preached and shared tracts. In one instance, a Muslim man from the Ahmadiyya group of Muslims converted and confessed Jesus as the true Messiah! Bro ...

Outreach to Atiavi – September 10, 2023
Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ. On Sunday 10th September in the afternoon, the CMM Outreach Team traveled over 4 hours to Atiavi in the Keta District, Volta Region. We really enjoyed this Outreach when we met a Lady called Lucy Dometi. After preaching, we handed a tract to her and she started asking questions about Jesus, salvation, and forgiveness. We explained the message and answered her questions from the Scriptures. Then she knelt and gave her life to Jesus as Lord and Savior! She asked us to follow her to her home and share the word of God with her ...

Outreach to Battor – August 10-12, 2023
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! On the 10th to 12th August, 2023 we travelled to Battor in the Volta Region. While there we preached and shared Gospel tracts to lead people to Christ. We explained the messages on the tracts and also went from street-to-street, to house-to-house preaching. We met one young lady who had read the tract, "God Is Not Mad At You!", and accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior. She shared with us that she has suffered humiliation and physical abuse many times. She was very happy to receive Jesus into her life. ...