Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ.
On Wednesday, November 29, 2023, the CMM Evangelism team traveled for over 3 hrs. to Batanyaa in the Central Region of Ghana and we were there until Friday, Dec. 1.
While there we went from house to house preaching the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. We followed up with street preaching and sharing Gospel tracts to the Glory of God.
One lady shared her testimony saying she was converted by reading one of our tracts titled, “God Is Not Mad At You”. She was happy when we mentioned the Bible School to help train her in the knowledge and service of the Lord.
We shared 680 tracts and 167 persons gave their lives to Christ.
Five people were healed and 34 backsliding Christians rededicated their lives to Christ.
Below are some pictures of the evangelism activities.
We are saying a big thank you to all our partners and CMM worldwide.
The CMM Team for this Batanyaa Evangelism consisted of Matthew, David, and Harrison
John Harrison
Below are photos and a video of the lady’s testimony:
Click here for the testimony of Rebecca: TESTIMONY

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