GhanaGhana Activity Reports

Outreach to Hweehwee in the Eastern Region – February 17, 2021.

(Below is the report recently received from the Outreach Team in Ghana)   

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

After the Kumasi Mampongteng Graduation and ordination,  we rested for a week and travelled last week to Hweehwee in the Eastern Region near Nkawkaw.

On Wednesday 17th of February, 2021, beginning at 9 a.m. the outreach team traveled almost 4 hours to Hweehwee in the Eastern Region near Nkawkaw Mountains.

While there, we shared 544 Gospel tracts, preached the word, and explained the messages on the tracts to the people.  107 people gave their lives to Jesus Christ and we also experienced one healing. 

The first photo is a woman who has a sore on the left leg due to Diabetes.  She is afraid the leg would have to be amputated.  Because of severe pains she couldn’t walk and most of the time she had to crawl to the road to buy food.  

We prayed for her and later she could stand and walk!  The pain is gone and the next day she was improved.  Glory be to God!

We bless God for the souls saved and bless you all for your support. 

Photos of the healing are below:

A lady with diabetic sore is unable to stand and walk. A CMM team member takes her by her hand and helps her up.
Hands are laid on her as the team member prays for healing.
The woman is elated as she is able to stand on her own. The next day she had improved considerably and the team believes she is totally healed.
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