The outreach team drove for two hours to the village of Fiitey. In case you’re wondering, it’s not spelled wrong, there are two i’s in Fiitey.
The team shared tracts and preached the word of God. The people of the village received the word with gladness and over 134 gave their lives to Jesus! They shared about 311 tracts and souls were harvested to the Glory of God!
In one incident, a man had fallen from a tree and broke his arms and hand. He accepted Jesus as Savior and after the team prayed for him he could lift his hand once again.
In another incident, the Lord led the team to the market place. There they found an elderly lady who made her living selling assorted goods. She was brought daily in a wheelchair because she couldn’t stand. The team prayed and she was able to stand alone.
We give the praise to our Lord, Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever!
Photos of the trip are below:
Above: The man with a broken arm is able to raise it after prayer
Above: An elderly lady was always brought to market in a wheelchair. After prayer she could stand alone.
Above: The team passing out tracts and leading people to the Lord.
134 salvations on this trip to Fiitey!!
The C.M.M. Evangelism Team
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