We had two good messages via Facebook this morning. One was from Sikala Cornelius and the other was from Brother Raj who ministers with his father.
Rev. Cornelius traveled 150 miles to a very remote village to reach the lost. As his motorbike has quit working he hired a motor scooter taxi which cost him $28. He reports that he is in desperate need of transportation, preferably a new motor scooter and that would give good transportation at a very low cost of gasoline. With a motor scooter of his own the same trip would have cost him just $7.
Cornelius reports that when he arrived to the village the people had never heard of Jesus or the Gospel before. Cornelius shared the Gospel with them and 11 people accepted Jesus as their Savior! Cornelius says it is his heart’s desire to reach the lost the feed the hungry. After seeing a short video he took while riding a motor scooter taxi over the rough roads it was hard for me to understand how he could travel 150 miles both ways in such a contraption and still be in good shape to preach. But he does it and that is the anointing of the Holy Spirit upon his life.
Please consider giving towards Rev. Cornelius’s need of a motor scooter by clicking on the Paypal India Donation button below or see other options here: https://covenantmessenger.org/support-us/
Below are a couple photos he took on the trip.

Click HERE to see what it is like riding 150 miles on a motor scooter taxi.
The other report is from Raj and his father, Rev. Dinesh. In the early morning they traveled by walking to two remote villages and then going door-to-door sharing the Gospel with tracts and giving out Bibles. Later that day they walked to a nursing home to share the Gospel with personal evangelism and pray for patients. Then in the evening they held services in the streets of one village and 34 people raised their hands to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior!
Here below are recent photos of their ministry:

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