Grace Children's HomeIndia

Feeding the Hungry in India – July 2020

The Covid-19 situation in India is not getting any better.   So many people are in lockdown and unable to work to provide for their families.  Pastors and their families are starving because church services are cancelled and no tithes or offerings are coming in, which is their only source of income.   

This ministry supports Rev. Sikila Cornelius and his orphanage but the support we send to him also goes to help feed the needy.  We were blessed to learn that because of offerings we have received for India in July, Rev. Cornelius was not only able to feed the children of the orphanage but he helped feed 300 other people who were desperate for help.  These people are Dalits, or untouchables, and no one comes to their aid when in need.  The government arrests anyone in lockdown who leaves home without permission.   So, it’s a terrible situation for many.    

Below are various photos of the 300 being fed, also of the children being fed at the orphanage and a few photos showing the only source of water for some of the villagers.  

Please consider giving to this cause. 

Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.   – – – James 1:5

Food For India Donation




Their only source of water - India Their only source of water - India Their only source of water - India

Women above getting water.  This is their only source of water.

Food For India Donation