
Evangelism in India – October 2019

We recently announced that Covenant Messenger Ministries has been led of the Lord to support a young man and his father in India.   As we said before, their names and exact location are being withheld from these reports for their safety.  Persecution of Christians in India is growing.   The controlling government is Hindu, which complicates matters even more.   In view of this and in order to identify ones we are talking about in the reports, I’m giving the son the name of Raj and the father, Rev. Dinesh. 

Almost every day we receive a report from Raj and his father telling about their evangelism in their village and surrounding areas.   In the last report Raj told about them walking 35 miles over the weekend sharing the Gospel along the way and passing out tracts.   At one meeting 34 people raised their hands to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior!  In addition, reports of healings were also told but without any detail.  

Below are photos of Raj, his father, Rev. Dinesh and assorted photos of their evangelism efforts over the weekend.

Rev. Dinesh teaching the people about Jesus
A group of people meeting to hear the Gospel
Listening intently to the Gospel
When no building is available, still sharing the Gospel
People praising God after hearing the Gospel
Rev. Dinesh leading men in prayer
Rev. Dinesh teaching
Raj giving a new Bible to a young man
A young man proudly holds his Bible
Raj and his father, Rev. Dinesh