The other day I asked Rev. Cornelius in India to begin sending us photos of his everyday activities and include some of Grace Children’s Home. So, today we received the following photos. But the first photo needs a little bit of description. The first photo was taken a few months ago before the Covid-19 […]
Pastor Cornelius in India recently sent us the photos below of village children, widows and pastors who are hurting because of the pandemic. Pastor Cornelius was able to provide food and hygienic items to village children. He also gave food to the widows and some pastors. India is 2nd in the world for the highest […]
We just received word from Rev. Cornelius in India that three widows showed up at his door asking for food. They heard that he was helping others and so they walked five miles and back for a little rice. This is the reality of suffering brought on by Covid-19. In normal time widows usually depend […]
The Covid-19 situation in India is not getting any better. So many people are in lockdown and unable to work to provide for their families. Pastors and their families are starving because church services are cancelled and no tithes or offerings are coming in, which is their only source of income. This ministry supports […]
Thanks to the generosity and compassion of others, we were able to give Rev. Cornelius in India funds to purchase school supplies for 172 children. The children are Dalits and about half of them are orphans living at Grace Children’s Home. Below are photos of the supplies and Rev. Cornelius and wife, Theresa, giving out […]
Salvation Prayer: Heavenly Father, I am a sinner. I come to You now and confess with my mouth that I believe Jesus is the Son of God, that He died for my sins. I believe in my heart that He rose from the dead and now sits at Your right Hand. Forgive me for all of my past sins and help me to live the life You would have me to live. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen.
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