GhanaGhana Activity Reports

Bible Study and Outreach at Awenade – March 16-17, 2022

[Note from Val:  The increase in fuel prices is making it necessary for the evangelism team to stay closer to home and avoid the high cost of travel.  The roads in some areas are very hard on automobiles so less traveling to distant places will also save on maintenance.    But there are still many opportunities to minister, especially in teaching new converts in areas they have previously been and as stated before, closer to home.   The team will also be starting Bible studies in various places and occasionally following up to see how they are progressing and do baptisms when needed.   This report from Rev. Harrison may be the last in which they travel a great distance.] 

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior.

On Wednesday 16th March, we traveled to Awenade in the Eastern Region to continue with the Bible Study.   The lesson we studied was “WATER BAPTISM”.  They were very glad and had so many questions which we answered.  We studied the book of Romans chapter 6, and after that 9 people made a decision to be baptized.

When we went to Awenade on Wednesday, we did some follow-ups and continued to share Gospel tracts.  We preached the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and explained the messages on the tracts to them as well.  When we prayed for one person and she was healed from stomach pain.  We reminded the people that we would be having our bible study fellowship meeting that evening and 11 people came to it.   So on the next day, Thursday, we baptized 9 people to the Glory of God.

In summary:  Tracts were shared – 140   Souls Won – 23   Baptisms – 9.   And one person was healed. 

God bless you all for your support.  Photos below.

Rev. John Harrison

God bless you all for your sacrificial giving!!