Four members of the C.M.M. team traveled to the remote village of Asikuma to share tracts, preach the Gospel message, and pray for the sick. One woman they met was suffering severely from a stomach ulcer. She had gone to the local hospital and was refused treatment because she didn’t have any money. Then she […]
We have received word from Ghana that the prison ministry in Kumasi, Ghana is beginning to realize some “fruit” for their efforts. Two of the prisoners have served their sentences and have been released. While serving their time they both attended the prison Bible school sponsored by this ministry. Now they have asked to be […]
Let Your Light Shine by Val Black Matthew 5:16: “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Sometimes changing one simple word in a verse of scripture can help us understand a deeper meaning. I’m not suggesting we add or detract anything from […]
Kiran Babu’s ministry regularly supports several Pastors and this Christmas they celebrated with a lunch, Bible study and distribution of gifts, including a Saree for each of the Pastor’s wives. Covenant Messenger Ministries has supported Kiran’s ministry for many years. Below are photos. Kiran […]
Words Of Wisdom by Jerome (Jerome is the son of Joseph Boachie-Danquah, the director of Covenant Messenger Ministries in Accra, Ghana. Jerome is in charge of the video/photography for the ministry and he also has a gift for writing articles that will encourage, strengthen and enrich your life. Below is his latest one) “On this […]
Salvation Prayer: Heavenly Father, I am a sinner. I come to You now and confess with my mouth that I believe Jesus is the Son of God, that He died for my sins. I believe in my heart that He rose from the dead and now sits at Your right Hand. Forgive me for all of my past sins and help me to live the life You would have me to live. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen.
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