GhanaPrison Ministry

A Report On The Visit To The Kumasi Central Prison – Oct. 20, 2017

This is a report on the Bible School that Covenant Messenger Ministries began a few months ago.  The Government gave the ministry permission to conduct Bible schools in every prison in Ghana, depending on  how well the pilot school does in Kumasi.

The meeting commenced at 1:30 p.m. with prayer, praise and worship by inmates. Total registered students increased to eighty-seven (87); as one (1) new student was registered.  Out of the eighty-seven (87) registered students, sixty (60) were present with twenty-seven (27) absent, due to sickness and/or out on duty.  Pastor Kwabena Owusu and Rev. Emmanuel Atta Osei facilitated.

The day’s lesson started as usual and was the final session of the Foundations Of The Faith series. The topic was “Church Ordinances”.

Students came to understood that Jesus gave prescribed practices to the disciples. These are;

  1. Water Baptism
  2. Anointing With Oil
  3. The Lord’s supper (Communion)
  4. Laying On Of Hands.

Brother Eric Osei Owusu then summarized the lessons, and the meeting came to a close at 3:00 pm, after the marking of the register; with closing prayer and benediction by Rev. Emmanuel Atta Osei. The next meeting comes off on Friday, 3rd November, 2017.