Evangelism - Rev. CorneliusIndia

Reaching the Unreached in India – March 2022

In March 2022, the founder of Grace Children’s Home, Rev. Cornelius, along with seven other pastors traveled 200 miles on motor scooters (two per scooter) to a remote village to preach the Gospel and encourage local Christians.    They made videos of the trip and we have combined them into one 5 minute video.  

The pastors found one church building in which construction had stopped because of a lack of funds.   The church was crudely made with mud bricks but it doesn’t have a roof, windows, or a door.   You will see it in the video.  There is also a great need for Bibles and megaphones.  If you are led to give to this cause please contact us:  valblack.cmm@gmail.com   

Here is a link to the video:  Reaching the Unreached