In the first week of August, 2017, the CMM Outreach Team visited the community of Dobro, passed out Gospel tracts, witnessed to people and prayed for healing for those in need.
Here is the report from Ghana:
We shared about 126 tracts and preached the gospel to the people at the Dobro community. By the grace of God 27 people accepted Jesus Christ and many were blessed.
There was a woman there who was troubled mentally. We prayed for the woman and believed God for her healing. The team left for Accra and after a week’s time, someone we shared the word of God with when we went to Dobro called and reported to us that he saw the same woman and she had been healed. We are working to locate her family to confirm the report. We are also planning to visit Dobro again.
Please see the photos.
Pastor John Harrison
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