GhanaGhana Activity Reports

Outreach to Akyem Asamanma – October 7, 2020

Greetings in the name of our Lord JESUS Christ.

On Wednesday 7th October, 2020 We travelled to Asamanma in the Eastern Region. We travelled 2 hours 45 minutes from Accra to Akyem Asamanma and arrived around  11 a.m.   The weather wasn’t good but we have a duty to accomplish as Paul admonish Timothy that he should do the work of an evangelist.

There was a woman selling alcoholic drinks who didn’t want to hear preaching about our Lord.  By God’s Grace, we visited her and we did share the Gospel with her.  In the beginning it was difficult, but she surrendered to Jesus and accepted Him as her Lord and Savior! 

We shared about 375 tracts and a total of 123 persons gave their lives to Jesus.

We also observed all the COVID-19 protocols.

Below are some pictures of the evangelism activities. The first picture is the woman who didn’t want to hear the Name of Jesus or the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus.  However, she finally surrendered to Jesus Christ!