GhanaGhana Activity Reports

Outreach to Ahoniahoniaso – May 12-14, 2021


Calvary greetings in the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ!

By the Grace of Almighty God, we left Accra on the 12th of May 2021 and drove to Ahoniahoniaso in the Fanteakwa District, the Eastern Region of Ghana.  We drove for 3 hours 45 minutes because the road is in a very bad state.

Although difficult, by the grace of God we were able to evangelize during a heavy rain all day Wednesday, the 12th of May.   We shared Gospel tracts and explained the messages on the tracts.

We stayed until Friday and God led us to bring the Gospel to the people and many were glad we came.  We went from house to house, on the street, in the market place, and from shop-to-shop proclaiming the Gospel because JESUS IS COMING SOON AND WE HAVE BEEN CALLED TOGETHER AS A TEAM TO REACH THE UNREACHABLE, TO BRING A LIVING JESUS TO THE DYING WORLD!

The number of tracts shared:  607

The number of people who accepted Jesus as Savior:  183

The number of people who re-dedicated their lives to Christ:  31

The number of healings:  3

The Lord is good . . . All the time!  All of the team members thank God for the souls that were saved.

Please continue to pray for us as we are going again this week.

God bless you.

John Harrison

Ghana Evangelism Donation


Ghana Evangelism Donation