GhanaGhana Activity Reports

Mamponteng Graduation and Ordination – Feb. 1-2, 2019

Mamponteng Graduation and Ordination – Feb. 2, 2019

On February 1-2 – 2019, a C.M.M. School of the Bible graduation service took place at the Refuge Church in Mamponteng, Ghana.  Mamponteng is a small town about 310 miles North of Accra and is the capital of Kwabre, a district in the Ashanti Region of Ghana.

The pastor of Refuge Church is Pastor Thomas Kwame Osei, who also acts as the facilitator of the Bible School.  On this day of celebration, February 2, nine students graduated and six of them were ordained into the service of the Lord.

There were about 29 students who had not yet completed the course of study and they will graduate later.  A Pastor’s Seminar and Conference was also held there a day before graduation.  Dr. Jerry Smith was the guest speaker.  Rev. Matthew Kenu was the translator for the seminar and Rev. John Harrison was the translator for the graduation.  Also attending was Dr. Smith’s wife, Rev. Paula, the C.M.M. director Boachie, Boachie’s wife, Dora, Rev. Stephen Nartey, the elders and chief of the town.  Photos below are from the seminar and the graduation.

The Smith’s with Rev. Osei


Dr. Jerry Smith addressing the graduates


Dr. Smith with Rev. Mattew Kenu translating










Dr. Smith preaching the Word.


Rev. Thomas Kwame Osei and his wife
Rev. Thomas Kwame Osei
The Smiths greeting the chief of the town
The Smiths, Pastor Osei, presenting a diploma
Rev. Paula Smith with Pastor Osei’s wife
C.M.M. administrator, Rev. Stephen Nartey
Rev. Paula Smith
Anointing ordinands with oil
The chief and elders