Through a Christian friend in India, Covenant Messenger Ministries has for years been supportive of several Pastors of small churches in his part of India. The Christian friend’s name is Kiran Babu, a student at a university who is studying law and has hopes of earning a degree to become a lawyer, specializing in representing Christian laypeople and Pastors.
Most of the population of India practice Hinduism while 14.2% adheres to Islam. Christianity is the 3rd largest religion and has to endure much persecution by the other two religions. Up until a couple of years ago the area in which Kiran and his family lives had been free of persecution by Hindus and Muslims. However, that is changing. Recently some Hindus came by night and set fire to Kiran’s motorbike, completely ruining it. Kiran has asked that his Christian work not be put on Facebook because of threats he has received in the past. However, he has given us permission to let others know of his work on our web page because enemies of Christianity seldom read ministry pages on the internet.
Kiran and his family, most certainly the pastors and their congregations, would welcome any and all support given to them in order to continue the work in India. Please consider praying for them on a regular basis and if you can, give financially through this ministry. Click on the link below to give and we will see that it gets to Kiran. Thanks and God bless you.
Here is a link to our contribution page: Donate

Here are photos of Kiran (in purple shirt) giving monthly support to the pastors:
Once a month Kiran and his wife host a meal for the pastors, a time in which they can gather to pray, study and share what God is doing in their lives and the lives of their congregations. Here are photos of one of the meetings:

Below are photos of five of the pastors being supported at this present time:

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