Words Of Wisdom by Jerome – May 4, 2018
(Jerome is the son of Joseph Boachie-Danquah, the director of Covenant Messenger Ministries in Accra, Ghana. Jerome is in charge of the video/photography for the ministry and he also has a gift for writing articles that will encourage, strengthen and enrich your life. Below is his latest one) The only power that discouragement has, is the power you give it. Though the challenges are great, you are greater. For you can act and learn and adapt, and act again with even more effectiveness. This is your moment to pick your head up, put a smile on your face, and with ...

Words Of Wisdom from Jerome – April 30, 2018
(Jerome is the son of Joseph Boachie-Danquah, the director of Covenant Messenger Ministries in Accra, Ghana. Jerome is in charge of the video/photography for the ministry and he also has a gift for writing articles that will encourage, strengthen and enrich your life. Below is his latest one) - Psalms 27:1-4............The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid? When the wicked came against me to eat up my flesh, my enemies, and foes they stumble and fall. Though an army may encamp against ...

A Word Of Wisdom by Jerome – March, 2018
A Word Of Wisdom by Jerome (Jerome is the son of Joseph Boachie-Danquah, the director of Covenant Messenger Ministries in Accra, Ghana. Jerome is in charge of the video/photography for the ministry and he also has a gift for writing articles that will encourage, strengthen and enrich your life. Below is his latest one) When life has kicked you down repeatedly, do you want to stay down or do you want to get up and move forward? You want to get up and move forward, by all means. The way to move forward is to look forward. The way to ...

Words Of Wisdom by Jerome
Words Of Wisdom by Jerome (Jerome is the son of Joseph Boachie-Danquah, the director of Covenant Messenger Ministries in Accra, Ghana. Jerome is in charge of the video/photography for the ministry and he also has a gift for writing articles that will encourage, strengthen and enrich your life. Below is his latest one) "On this day, in this place, just as you are, life is good. For you have the opportunity to live with passion and purpose. Life can be frustrating and challenging and painful, difficult and unfair. Even so, life is always good because you can always make it ...

Words Of Wisdom by Jerome
(Jerome is the son of Joseph Boachie-Danquah, the director of Covenant Messenger Ministries in Accra, Ghana. Jerome is in charge of the video/photography for the ministry and he also has a gift for writing articles that will encourage, strengthen and enrich your life. Below is his latest one) "If we are going to appreciate our movement in life, then we have to take note of our starting point. This helps us to measure our progress and appreciate how far God has brought us. Thank you God for how far you have brought me." ...

Words Of Wisdom by Jerome – December 7, 2017
(Jerome is the son of Joseph Boachie-Danquah, the director of Covenant Messenger Ministries in Accra, Ghana. Jerome is in charge of the video/photography for the ministry and he also has a gift for writing articles that will encourage, strengthen and enrich your life. Below is his latest one) Accept the fact that your high expectations will sometimes result in disappointment. Remind yourself that when those disappointments come, you can raise your expectations even higher, moving forward with more energy and determination than ever before. Bless and fruitful week to us all - - - Shalom ...

Words Of Wisdom by Jerome -Nov. 14, 2017
Words Of Wisdom by Jerome (Jerome is the son of Joseph Boachie-Danquah, the director of Covenant Messenger Ministries in Accra, Ghana. Jerome is in charge of the video/photography for the ministry and he also has a gift for writing articles that will encourage, strengthen and enrich your life. Below is his latest one) Being honest with others compels you to be honest with yourself. And it is only when you are honest with yourself that you can fulfill your awesome positive possibilities. Deceit can often be tempting, yet honesty is always the best path. Live with truth and you truly live ...

Words Of Wisdom from Jerome – Nov. 2, 2017
(Jerome is the son of Joseph Boachie-Danquah, the director of Covenant Messenger Ministries in Accra, Ghana. Jerome is in charge of the video/photography for the ministry and he also has a gift for writing articles that will encourage, strengthen and enrich your life. Below is his latest one.) Don’t just sit and wait for good fortune to come to you. Good fortune is something that comes from you. How much can you appreciate what you have? That will determine the value of what you have, and the good fortune that you are able to make with it. Allow life’s abundance ...

Words Of Wisdom by Jerome – Oct. 30, 2017
(Jerome is the son of Joseph Boachie-Danquah, the director of Covenant Messenger Ministries. Jerome is in charge of the video/photography for the ministry and he also has a gift for writing articles that will encourage, strengthen and enrich your life. Below is his latest one). Words of Wisdom from Jerome. You don’t have to prove anything to anybody. You don’t have to continue holding on to the negative habits and thought patterns that have held you back. You can live, you can give, you can love and achieve. You can take this very moment, with whatever it may hold, you ...
Words Of Wisdom by Jerome – Oct. 24, 2017
(Jerome is the son of Joseph Boachie-Danquah, the director of Covenant Messenger Ministries. Jerome is in charge of the video/photography for the ministry and he also has a gift for writing articles that will encourage, strengthen and enrich your life. Below is his latest one). Words Of Wisdom by Jerome. Your life is constantly shaped by the way you live it, the way you think of it and the way you feel it. Even the smallest things have an influence, and all those things combine together to build the life you experience. Great day, family and friends ...