2016 – May – Progress Report From Rev. Dotse – Monome – Akatsi


 Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, Who has preserved us for good works in the Lord.

 We spent this month in prayer meetings and outdoor crusade programmes in the town of Monome. We are yet to conclude one week revival meeting by this coming Sunday the 5th June 2016.

We have started running an advert in the local FM Radio Station in Akatsi with regards to our school, ACADEMIC GLORIOUS HOPE an arm of the Church.

 We have also completed plans to hold a teaching service programme on the same FM Radio Station which might start by next week by the grace of God.

 The title of the programme is TIME WITH THE LIVING WORD.  It shall be broadcast live once in every week. The station covers the whole Volta Region and beyond, all the teachings are from the I.S.O.M curriculum, with more emphasis on the MIRACLE LIVING MODULE.

 The lessons would be taught in English language, then interpreted in the main local language which is Ewe. The team for this work consists of myself and my wife backed by a selected few who will be supporting with prayers.

We also need the prayers of the whole family of CMM since the demonic kingdom of darkness in Monome have started launching serious attack on us to stop the teaching we have embarked on.

There is a great change taking place spiritually and physically in Monome. It is something you can feel as you enter the Monome Township. Our hope and target is that, the Chief Fetish Priest who claimed the Monome Town belongs to him would give his life to Christ.

 With God all things are possible. It could cause a great change not only in Monome, but the whole of Akatsi and beyond, because of his popularity. That is why we need your prayers. Thank you for your support. We are very grateful.

 May God Richly Bless you.

Yours in the LORD