Progress Report from Rev. Dotse – March, 2015
Calvary greetings in Jesus name.
It is my joy once again to report our activities to you on what we have been doing this month of March 2015. As I mentioned in my last report, our emphasis is on winning souls for the Kingdom of God. We started going out and as at now we have about seventeen new souls who have given their lives to Christ.
We have not been able to cover all the four villages yet, but we are not resting, it is going to be a continuous monthly activity with follow ups and teaching those the Lord directs into our assembly.
The number of students in the CMM – ISOM programme has increased to five in number. We are still looking forward to more entrants.
Our Easter convention programme comes off at the church branch in Akeve on Friday 3rd – Sunday 5th April 2015. All the three branches will be represented.
Wishing you a Happy Easter in advance.
Yours in Christ
Rev. & Rev. Mrs. Dezire Dotse
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