We got to Jumapo near Kukurantumi July 5, 2013 at 9:45 a.m. Rev. Aduakwa received us.
We witnessed Jesus to various people including a Muslim woman who confessed Jesus as Lord and believed in Him. Picture one shows the woman.
A lady also after giving birth, she has been bleeding for three weeks and we shared the word of God and prayed for her, to the Glory of God she was healed that moment!
Another man was sick of stroke and we shared the word of God with him and prayed for him, he called on Sunday that he is better and believed God has healed him.
The rest of the pictures are people we shared the word of God with and prayed with them. In all we witness to 36 people who gave their lives to Christ including 3 Muslims and 4 notable healing and miracles.
The rain disturbed on Saturday so we couldn’t continue.
God bless you for your prayer and support.
(Photos are missing)