2011 – September 26-29 – A Revisit To Avenor

A Revisit To Avenor – Sept 26-29, 2011


Glory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The outreach team set off for some evangelistic activities at their usual place of operation, Avenor, in the Greater Accra from the 26th to the 29th of September 2011.
It was a follow-up of the old converts as well as ministration to new ones. In all, the people who gave their lives to Christ (based on biblical teachings of yielding the Lordship of Christ) were 13! Some of them were drug addicts and were delivered from it through prayer. Their places of residence are shown in the photos. Their self-image made them feel and believe that nobody cares for or loves them until the love of God was preached to them. The praise report we received from them is that some of the people who were drug addicts and preached to some time ago have started going to churches and have taken to new lives in Christ Jesus.

One lady with stomach upset was prayed for and received instant healing. A pregnant lady the team prayed for safe delivery some time ago introduced them to the husband who is a Muslim and the two have made a decision to come to the office.

Signed: Boachie
