2007 – March – Ashiaman Zenu Outreach

March – 2007 – Ashiaman Zenu Outreach
The C.M.M. Outreach Team visits the village of Ashiaman-Zenu

In March of 2007, 4 members of the C.M.M. Outreach Team spent four days evangelising in the village of Ashiaman-Zenu, in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana.  The village, a suburb of Accra, is 25 kilometers, or about 15.5 miles, from the capital city.  Most of the people living there have moved from other areas and don’t have an affiliation with a church.

The first night a video was shown. It began at 7 p.m and ended at 10 p.m.  Approximately 180 people attended.  After the video, an altar call was given.  50 people boldly came forward and gave their lives to Christ.

Encouraged by the results of the previous night, the Team members witnessed to 25 more people with most of them either receiving Christ or re-dedicating their lives to Him.  The next evening another video was shown. About 250 people

The next evening another video was shown. About 250 people attended with 3 giving their lives to Christ.

Besides the salvations, many were prayed for and healed.

One woman who sought counselling from the Team said a fetish priest (witchdoctor) had been advising her and giving her “protection”, supposedly from evil spirits. Her problems were many. One son on drugs, another a convicted thief, her 15-year-old daughter had dropped out of school and another child had left home. After the Team prayed with her the joy of the Lord descended on everyone present.

Later 3 women who had backslidden rededicated their lives to the Lord.

On the last night a video was shown called, “Chains”. The crowd numbered about 350. Following the video, four people gave their lives to Christ.

The next morning, Sunday services were in full attendance and included many new converts.
The Team returned to Accra Sunday afternoon excited over the salvations & rededications (about 85) they had witnessed over the four-day period.