2005 – October 19-24 – Outreach To Paanor


DATE: 19 TO 24 – OCT. 2005


The CMM Outreach team paid a six-day evangelistic visit to Paanor from the 19th to the 24th of Oct. 2005. It is about 28 kilometres away from Accra, the capital city of Ghana.

On Wednesday evening, we entered into a time of prayer upon arrival and thanked the Lord for taking us safely there. On Thursday morning, the team went out to a nearby village called Amuzu. The god of the village bears that name and the inhabitants of the village worship it.

The first house we entered was a fetish home. The team witnessed to the chief priest together with his nine sons. The chief priest said it was too late for him to turn away from the idol worship, but told his sons that they could accept the Lord by going to church. His children followed his footsteps and refused to accept Christ. The team did not give up, but went to other houses in and around the village and glory be to God! Two women received Christ into their hearts.

In the evening, a video show was organised. The number of people who attended almost numbered up to 120 (hundred and twenty), including adults and children. After the film titled ‘Chains’ was telecast, an altar call was made, in which about 35 souls in the midst of the crowd received the Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

On Friday morning, the team organised joint morning devotion for Ebenezer and Emmaus churches. In attendance were about 50 people.

In the afternoon, the team went out to another nearby village which was called Mensah Kope, where it was evident that almost all the inhabitants had gone to their farms. God being so good, when the team went further to the last house of the village, the team met a young man who said, he was a Catholic. This young Catholic man did not know whether he had accepted Christ or not. He seemed not to be interested in what the team had to say, concerning the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ. We asked if he could spare us just five minutes of his time and he replied positively. His interest grew rapidly as the gospel was communicated to him. He accepted Christ as his Savior in the end, glory be to God.

A night vigil was organised by the two churches already mentioned in the 4th paragraph. It started at 9 pm and ended at 2; 30 am. The total number of people who attended was 100.The manifestation of the Lord’s presence was made manifest, as the sick received their healing and headaches, hearts pains, waist pains and pains in the throat vanished to come no more.

On Saturday morning, the team treated wounds from 11 am to 4 pm. 40 children received treatment. In the evening, a video show was organised. The title was the ‘Hour of Grace’ 1. The crowd which attended was about 250, including both children and adults.20 people gave their lives to Christ.

On Sunday morning, the two churches mentioned earlier had a joint service which was conducted by the team. In attendance were 46 women, 18 men, 29 boys and 40 girls.

At the adult Sunday school, a teaching was done on the Holy Spirit Baptism. After the session was over we prayed together and the Spirit of the Lord came upon the congregation and a few spoke in strange tongues. Healing and deliverance also took place during the word ministration. Praise be to God.

In the evening, we continued the video show by showing concluding part of the movie ‘Hour of Grace 2.The crowd was about 280.During the alter call, two boys stepped forward and boldly accepted Christ.

In our previous visit to the village, we found out that there were a lot of problems in Emmaus Church, through which many people left the church. The elders of the church said “since the team visited the church again amidst revival, the old people who left we have started coming back to church.  Also, the parents of the children, whose wounds were treated, came to testify as to how fast the Lord healed the wounds.

On Monday morning, the team had morning devotion with the two churches and we encouraged them about their Christian faith and the last thing we did before we left was to reconcile two elders in Emmaus Church.



God Bless.
