GhanaGhana Activity Reports

Outreach to Obuotumpang – June 3, 2020

Glory be to God in the Highest .

Obuotumpang is in the Eastern Region between Suhum and Koforidua.  We crossed River Densu before we entered the village of Obuotumpang.  After traveling for about 2 ½ hours we arrived in the afternoon on Wednesday, 3rd June, 2020.   Because of the Convid-19, the fear of death was on the minds of everyone who spoke with us.   So we preached, taught, and shared tracts on The Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.  The tract, “Free Lunch” was an encouraging message for them to hear and learn that Jesus will return for His Bride the church, and take them to Heaven where during the 7 year Great Tribulation on earth, a great Marriage Supper of the Lamb, Jesus Christ, will be celebrated.   To our surprise, the people received the word with joy and gladness of heart!  We shared 430 Gospel tracts and 154 persons accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior!

Four people received healing as we prayed with them.  Because of the safety protocols of social distancing, we prayed for them without laying our hand on them and yet, they were still healed! Praise God!  Later, some of the people who were healed called us to testify of the healing power of God and it is to Him that we give all the glory.

We bless God and Praise him for saving 154 people at Obuotumpang!!!

Some of the pictures below

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