Greetings in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ!
On Wednesday 29th of July, 2020 we travelled to Komenda in the Edina District of the Central Region of Ghana. It took us 3 ½ hours to reach Komenda. Our goal was to preach the Gospel and share tracts to promote the work of God and to do our Father’s business by evangelizing the lost.
As we normally do, we shared 379 Gospel tracts, preached the Word, and explained the messages on the tracts to the people. By God’s grace 134 people gave their lives to Jesus including one Muslim lady who gave her life to the Lord Jesus Christ.
We also prayed for the sick and one woman got healed from abdominal pain.
Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, we observed all the precautions by washing our hands frequently with running water. We also wore face masks, used hand sanitizer, and maintained social distance.
The people of Komenda gladly received the Gospel with joy. The Corona virus is a bad disease but it is making people realize the importance of needing God in their lives. Many are turning to the Lord as a result. We are not happy about the precious lives the corona virus has taken, but we are happy many are coming to the Lord because of the disease.
Below are photos of the outreach to Komenda.
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