GhanaGhana Activity Reports

Outreach to Ajumako Assiem – Sept 2017

Outreach to Ajumako Assiem – Sept. 2017

Glory be to God for His wonderful miracles and provision for healing towards his children.

We travelled to central Region of Ghana, a place called Ajumako Assiem for two days to preach and share tracts as part of achieving our goals for Evangelism this year. Our main goal is to take the word of God to every Region in Ghana and beyond.

The first day, we got to Ajumako Assiem in the evening so we shared a few tracts and preached to about 17 people. We got to a house and a certain man’s leg was swollen and partly decayed.

We prayed for him that evening and left. The following morning we decided to visit the man again and to our surprise, he was totally healed and strong.

We preached the Good News, shared over 200 tracts and also prayed for them.

Hallelujah! God is great and his mercies endure forever.