An evangelism outreach to Adeiso, which is located in the eastern region of Ghana, was led by Covenant Messenger team members Michael, David, Matthew, and team leader, John Harrison on December 19, 2018. The team desired to see many people turn to Jesus. They shared 192 tracts and 37 people gave their lives to the Lord!
During their time in Adeiso, they prayed for the sick, preached the Word of God, and even took a break to snack on some fresh oranges.

The team met a man who was in a car accident and broke his left leg. For a year, the man has struggled to walk. The team laid hands on the man and asked God to heal him. The Lord moved and the man stood up and walked.

Here are some additional pictures from the outreach. We hope that you are encouraged by the great things that are happening in Ghana!

All glory, honor, and power be to God forever and ever, Amen!
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