GhanaGhana Activity Reports

Outeach to Akyem Abaam – May 9-11, 2023


(A note from Val:  Several videos were made of people giving their testimonies but due to the noise of the traffic, none were suitable enough to post here.  The photo is that of Bro. Emmanuel, one of those who gave testimonies)

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ!

The C.M.M. evangelism team visited Akyem Abaam in the Eastern Region of Ghana from Tuesday, the 9th of May to Thursday the 11th of May 2023. 

Akyem Abaam is a gold mining community and the lifestyle of the people is not pleasant.  Drinking, drug abuse, women abuse, etc., are major concerns.   While we were there we shared Gospel tracts and explained the messages in the tracts to the people’s understanding.  We also preached the Gospel in various places. By the grace of God, many received Jesus as Savior as we shared God’s love and salvation.

Four people gave their testimony on how they became born again and how it has affected their lives.  We tried using our cell phones to record their testimonies but there was too much interference from the busy nearby traffic.

One man named Emmanuel gave his testimony to say that though his parents were Christians, he fell into sin and backslid.  But when he read the tract, ”GOD IS NOT MAD AT YOU” and heard us preaching of the Love of Christ, he gave his life to Jesus!!.  HALLELUJAH!!!

In summary:   Souls Won= 134   Tracts Shared= 497   Healings= 2

We bless God for leading us to Akyem Abaam.  Their lives will never be the same again.

Best regards,

Bro. John Harrison