Although he is not a graduate of a seminary or a Bible school, Val has studied on his own and taught the Bible for 40 years. These messages were taken from the past when he was a teacher and pastor. It is his prayer that they may be a blessing to you.
Speaking Blessings
Speaking Blessings by Val Black “GOD BLESS YOU!” or, “GESUNDHEIT!” Everyone has heard this when they have a cold or hay fever We all like to be blessed but how often do we speak blessing to others? When somebody sneezes we say "God bless you!" Or "gesundheit!" That's probably about how much blessing we speak to others but do we know what it means? The phrase "God bless you!" is thought to have originated in Europe in 1347. It was at that time the bubonic plague spread throughout Europe and other parts of the world killing 25 million people. Every ...
Peace On Earth, Good Will Toward Men . . .
Very soon the world, or at least a good part of it, will be celebrating the birth of Jesus, also known as the Prince of Peace. Ironically, we are very far from knowing peace on Earth today. War and rumors of war are frequently announced in the news media. Some of the more recent of these include: The October 7 attack by Hamas on Israel. This has caused the of deaths thousands of men, women, and children. Other factions of extreme Islam are calling for the annihilation of Israel and all Jews. Russia and Ukraine are still battling it out ...
God’s Covenant with Noah – Part 3
This is part 3 of the Covenant that God made with Noah. Conditions on earth were so evil that God regretted making man. So, God decided to destroy all but Noah and his family of seven through a flood that covered the whole world. After 150 days in the ark, a new world opened for Noah and his family. Click on this link for the video: Part 3 - The Noahic Covenant ...
America Was Founded As A Christian Nation
( A note from Val Black: It's disheartening to see that so many indicators of our nation's change are blatantly displayed through our schools, our politics, and even some churches. Even the most liberal of our ancestors would have been shocked at what is happening today. For example, our government, the media, the courts, and politicians are trying to indoctrinate our children and the general public into celebrating homosexuality. They have even stolen God's seal of His promise to Noah, the rainbow, and made it into an ensign of pride for homosexuals, transgenders, same-sex marriages, etc., which are plainly described ...
The Covenant With Noah, Part 1
There is so much to talk about in the Covenant with Noah that this is just part one. In this video, Val Black gives an overview of Genesis, Chapters 3 and 4, and also discusses some principles that were established which affect Christians today in their walk with God. In addition to polygamy, murder is also first seen in these early chapters. The conditions on Earth continue to deteriorate after Cain kills his brother, Abel. Genesis 3:15's two seeds are becoming more apparent. Click here: The Covenant with Noah - Part 1 ...
The Covenant of Creation
God is a covenant-making God. That means when He makes a promise to man He is always faithful to keep that promise. To prove that He is faithful, God makes covenants with man and in some cases, they are blood covenants. In this message, we talk about the first covenant in the Bible. It's not the covenant God made with Noah, promising never to flood the earth again, although that is the one most people would choose as the first one. The first covenant was made at creation when God made everything and called it "good". Be sure to have ...
The Covenants of God by Val Black
Recently, I have begun a series of teachings on God's covenants. It is my belief that with an understanding of the true significance of the covenants in the Bible, a Christian will gain a new perception of the Word and even develop a closer relationship with God. I speak from experience because that happened to me many years ago. That is also the reason I named our ministry Covenant Messenger Ministries because I realized covenants were the foundation of the Bible with some having been fulfilled and others yet to be fulfilled. Here is my reasoning: Malachi 3:1 says this, ...
Speaking Out About These Immoral Times
There are times when I feel the need to speak out about the path this nation has followed for several years and what God has placed on my heart. This is one of those times. Whether you agree or disagree is not my concern. I feel compelled to say it and let the chips fall where they may. So, with that said, here goes . . . . . This nation is in serious trouble internally and the majority of the population is only concerned over the price of gas and the increasing inflation, and rightly so. But there are ...
The Priest Who Found Christ
A note from Val: To my Catholic friends, I was born and raised in the Catholic Church, and many times in my youth I prayed to Mary, St. Christopher, St. Anthony, St. Philomena, and others, but I was never taught to go directly to Jesus in prayer. Looking back, I remember nuns who came to church to teach catechism. There was one nun in particular who was so sweet and pure in her mannerisms that I, at the age of about 10, found myself falling in love with her. She would talk about heaven as if she was a frequent visitor ...
On This Memorial Day
On this Memorial Day, the nation is crying out and looking for answers to the recent tragic shootings and so many innocent lives lost. The article below is from the book, A Closer Look at Prophecy by Richard and Tina Kleiss. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The prophet Hosea detailed the causes of Israel's downfall. The list below is worth reviewing because it mirrors society today. (Scriptures are from the New King James Version) • "...There is no truth or mercy or knowledge of God in the land. By swearing and lying, killing and ...