Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus!
On Tuesday the 15th of November, 2022 the CMM Evangelism Team traveled to Ntutumerim in the Eastern Region of Ghana and stayed there until Friday the 18th.
Ntutumerim is one of the villages near Akim Oda in the Eastern Region. The indigenes there have two main occupations which are farming and small-scale mining. There is much immorality and alcoholism in the area.
We got there in the afternoon around 12:30 pm and started our evangelism work. As we normally do, we went from house to house, to the streets, and shops to share tracts. We explained the messages on the tracts to those who couldn’t read. We also preached the Gospel and prayed for the sick.
In summary, we shared approximately 480 Gospel tracts and witnessed 155 people give their lives to Jesus Christ. In addition, 31 rededicated their lives to Him.
Four people were healed of sicknesses after prayer.
There was one woman who had been sick for almost 2 years. Her feet were swollen so she couldn’t walk very well, nor could she do much of anything. She told us that she had offended someone and the person cursed her, hence the sickness began. She has been to hospitals and they could not diagnose the real problem. The family has almost given up hope for her because it seemed there was no cure. But we promised her there is Hope in Jesus! We shared the Gospel tract, ”God is Not Mad at You”, and explained the Word of God to her. Then she accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior! We prayed for her healing and she was healed instantly! Then she praised God for her miracle!
We thank God for a successful outreach and want to say God bless you to all of the C.M.M. partners who make this outreach possible for us through their offerings to support the work of God!
It was a great joy seeing people turn to the Lord!
Bro. John Harrison
Below are photos of the woman who was healed after prayer as given in the report above.

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