GhanaGhana Activity Reports

Outreach to Asutsare – November 13, 2018

On November 13, 2018, the Covenant Messenger Ministry Team set off to Asutsare in the Eastern Region of Ghana and arrived around 10 A.M.  The team preached the Gospel, shared tracts, and as a result, 68 people gave their lives to Christ Jesus!  Praise the Lord and rejoice with the angels in Heaven!
Below are some pictures from the outreach.


  Sister Della Anning gives this young man a Gospel tract.


Two young men walking on a road was approached by the team and given tracts to read.


A lady accepts Jesus Christ as her Savior. Here we see Della and David leading her in prayer


In this photo we see Della and David leading a whole family to Jesus Christ.
On their journey, the team met a paralyzed man who had been in pain for several months. The team laid hands on the man and he was healed!  See the pictures below.
              This man had been paralyzed for months.


He allowed the team to pray for him and David is seen helping him to his feet.


          God restored motion in the man’s body!
The power of God is awesome!   We praise Him for His goodness and faithfulness as He confirmed His word with miracles, signs, and wonders! 
Glory and hallelujah to the King of Kings!