GhanaGhana Activity Reports

Outreach to Assim Breku- April 3, 2019

The Covenant Messenger Ministry outreach team, John, Michael, Matthew, and David trekked out to Assin Breku on Wednesday, April 3.  Assin Breku has a history of violence, suicide, murder, and strange killings.  The team arrived around 10:30 am and began preaching the Gospel message of Jesus Christ as Savior of the world.  They were able to share 376 tracts and 67 people gave their lives to the Lord!
Healings also took place such as the woman pictured who could not walk due to a femur shaft fracture from an accident.  After praying for her, the Lord healed her leg and she stood up and walked- something that hadn’t happened in 8 months!
After receiving prayer, she was healed!
She hadn’t been able to walk in 8 months. Praise God!
Join us in praying for the hearts of the people in Assin Breku.  They need the truth of the Gospel and God’s peace.