GhanaGhana Activity Reports

Outreach to Akyem Sukrong- March 13, 2019

On March 13, 2019, Covenant Messenger team members Matthew, David, Michael, and John traveled to Akyem Sukrong on the Adeiso to Oda Road.  There they preached the Gospel message, prayed for the sick, and shared tracts.  Some people received the tracts and the Word of God with joy and happiness, and others completely rejected the Gospel.  Still, 220 tracts were shared in total.  Glory to God!


That phone call can wait- let me tell you about Jesus!


Sharing the Gospel with a woman taking a break.


Talking with a couple of men about the love of Jesus.

One man shared with the team the disappointment he had experienced from God.  He felt as if God was causing him to suffer, didn’t love him, and was not interested in hearing anything about God.  The team shared the tract, “You Are Loved.”  They explained the illustration of Jesus being the Grain of Wheat as He was beaten like wheat, suffered and died, and endured the loosening of His body to rise again from the grave.  They shared how we are like chaff on the grain of wheat, once separated from Jesus Christ because of sin, but bought back by the shedding of His blood.  We are loved by Jesus no matter how we appear on the outside.


This man felt that God did not love him.

Tears ran down the man’s cheeks and he gladly received Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior!  What a testimony!

He was in tears after hearing the Gospel message of God’s great love for him!
Over the course of two days, 39 people gave their lives to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.  Currently, there is a need for Bibles to help young Christians study the Word of God.  Please consider giving to Covenant Messenger Ministries and praying for the new believers, the C.M.M. team, and continued open doors to spread the Gospel to the unreached areas of Ghana.


Talking with a young man about Jesus.


Witnessing to a woman on the street


God bless you!