About C.M.M. Ghana:  The ministry in Ghana had a small beginning in 1995 when we shipped thousands of tracts to Africa. At one time we received an average of 50 letters per day asking for more tracts, Bibles, and teaching materials.  It became evident that a distribution point was needed, so an office was opened in Accra, Ghana.  Very soon an evangelism team was organized and outreaches to remote areas became a regular part of the ministry. Later, video Bible schools were formed in villages.  The C.M.M. team would ride a bus as close to the villages, and from there they would carry the projectors and videos to the villages. Thousands of students graduated, and most were also ordained for ministry during that time. Our good friends of Holy Spirit Ministries, Int’l., Dr. Jerry Smith, and his wife Paula, traveled yearly to conduct the graduations and ordinations. Dr. Smith is now with the Lord, but his wife Paula, along with their daughter Stacey and her husband David Limerick, are continuing the ministry.

In February 2024, Julie and I concluded that in this “race” for salvations before the return of our Lord, it was appropriate for us to hand over the leadership of the ministry in Ghana, West Africa, to others.  We proposed the idea to Paula Smith, Stacey, and David Limerick, and they agreed to do it. We were blessed knowing that part of our ministry will be in good hands and be led by the Holy Spirit. 

Julie and I are still blessed by supporting Grace Children’s Home and Bethesda Leper Colony in India. On the following pages, you will not only find reports about them but if you scroll down several pages, there are past reports of the work in Ghana. 

Thanks for looking, we hope you will be blessed! 

Please read the following accounts of salvations, deliverances, and healings, and may you be blessed as you do.   

Click here for the Daily Bible Reading Plan:       

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