The fields of the earth are ripe for harvest and God is doing a great work in Ghana, West Africa and India!   C.M.M. is blessed to have a small part in it.

On the following pages, you will find various articles but the most important ones are the evangelism reports.  At least once a month the Covenant Messenger Ministries Outreach Team in Ghana visits villages and cities giving their testimonies, passing out tracts, praying with and for people in their service to the Lord.  There is nothing more important than bringing the lost into the Kingdom of God and it is very rare when the team returns without a good report of people accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

In addition to Ghana, we are also sponsoring two ministries in India.  Both are bringing hundreds to the Lord, baptizing and discipling the new converts as well.  Each month, C.M.M. is sending support to Grace Children’s Home in India.  A home for children without parents and others from dysfunctional families.   At present the school supports about 37 children.   It is a daily struggle for the staff to provide bare necessities for the children.  Your prayers and financial support are greatly appreciated.    

Please read the following accounts of salvations,  deliverances, and healings and may you be blessed as you do.   

Click here for the Daily Bible Reading Plan:       

Featuring The International School Of Ministries

Covenant Messenger Ministries International Bible School was begun in February 2000. Our vision is to educate as many people as possible in sound doctrine utilizing a curriculum that is affordable for everyone.  We found it and more, in the curriculum of the International School Of Ministries, or I.S.O.M. The curriculum consists of 160 hours of video lessons by anointed teachers such as:  Dr. A.L. Gill (photo above), Dr. T.L. Osborn; Dr. Marilyn Hickey; Dr. Joyce Meyer; Rev. Ray Comfort and many others. Average time to complete the course of 5 Trimesters is between 3 to 5 months, depending on the ...

Bible School has begun at the Prison in Kumasi

Two years ago Covenant Messenger Ministries requested permission from the government of Ghana to conduct Bible schools in the prisons of Ghana, using the same I.S.O.M. curriculum being used in various churches and Bible schools throughout that nation.  As of April 2017, the request has been approved and the first Bible school has begun at the prison in Kumasi, the second largest prison in Ghana. We are asking prayers for its success. Pastor Kwabena Owusu, (Director of the C.M.M. Prison Ministry) ...

The Blood Covenant

by Val Black    True Christianity is based on a person's personal relationship with their Creator, God, through the shed Blood of God's only begotten Son, Jesus.     We can have this relationship because of the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross of Calvary nearly 2000 years ago.  It was a plan that was necessary because of the fall of Adam.  Adam sinned and lost his dominion over God's creation.  The penalty for that sin was death, spiritual and physical.  In the Garden of Eden Adam died spiritually and lost his personal relationship with God.  God spared Adam from ...

The Ashes Of The Red Heifer

by Val Black (Preface: The following message was given by Val Black at Faith Christian Fellowship, Shenandoah, Iowa at the Wednesday evening service on April 30, 1997. It was in response to the announcement of the first unblemished Red Heifer to be born in Israel in 2000 years. Although it may seem outdated in terms of the news of a red heifer being born at that time, the message of the Ashes of the Red Heifer is still the same and affects the Body of Christ today.)     What is the meaning behind the Red Heifer and what significance ...

The Lost Coin Of Luke 15:8-10

by Val Black     In Luke 15:8-10 it tells the story of a woman who lost a coin and in reading, it seems as if she's very disturbed about the loss. Have you ever wondered why a simple lost coin would be such a concern to a woman that she would rejoice when she found it? Here is the reason why: When a woman married in those days the bridegroom would give the bride a gift of silver coins which the bride would wear hanging from her forehead as a decoration and as a sign to others that she was ...

The Power Of A Whisper

by Teresa Foo     Have you ever whispered? Most of us have. What makes a whisper different than a regularly spoken word? Years ago, as a young tot, my best friend, Cassandra, taught me a simple truth. We joked a lot and she was full of humor. She once told me that a whisper is more effective than a yell. As years passed, I realized the impact of that statement.     As a child in a classroom, do you remember your teacher standing still, waiting for all of you to listen? What if your teacher yelled at you ...

Do You Know Your Value?

by Teresa Foo     Do you know your value? What exactly do we base that on? Hmm, well, in my case, I think about the fact that we have five beautiful children and two wonderful Sons-in-law. We also have three grandchildren that are BEYOND cute! No words could describe them! We love them so much!! So, is that where I find my value? I just don't think that's enough. I can't take credit for all of that because God is the Creator, not me. Although, He did see me worthy of such a blessing and I am sooo thankful ...

It’s Time . . .

by Teresa Foo     It's time, time to let go! That's right, the time has come to forget the past and move on to bigger and better things! Have you ever heard that saying before? I know, so have I. The intentions behind it are meant to strengthen us and give us hope, which is comforting. It is nice to know that others truly care and are concerned about our well being. I may be the exception to the rule, but at times, those words of encouragement are just words. I know that seems rude and maybe unacceptable to ...

Living For God

by Brenda Black     I recently had a conversation with a woman regarding her father. Her father told her the reason he would not go to church, except for the occasional holiday program, was because the same men he sat with in the bar on Saturday night were the same men he had seen sitting in church on Sunday morning. It made me wonder how many other people allowed the behavior of others to dictate their own decision to attend church. Later as I thought about our conversation I saw the contradiction in his statement. What was the real ...

Dealing With Sin

by Brenda Black     I like things neat, organized and clean. Now don’t get me wrong, if you come to my house you will find small piles of “to do’s” and even dust! I will get to those things after I get done with the current projects I have going on, so for now, the piles and dust will have to wait. Our spiritual lives are like that. We long for perfection and cleanliness and a straight path so we make the best out of what we have, as imperfect as it may be. We pick and choose to ...