About C.M.M. Ghana: The ministry in Ghana had a small beginning in 1995 when we shipped thousands of tracts to Africa. At one time we received an average of 50 letters per day asking for more tracts, Bibles, and teaching materials. It became evident that a distribution point was needed, so an office was opened in Accra, Ghana. Very soon an evangelism team was organized and outreaches to remote areas became a regular part of the ministry. Later, video Bible schools were formed in villages. The C.M.M. team would ride a bus as close to the villages, and from there they would carry the projectors and videos to the villages. Thousands of students graduated, and most were also ordained for ministry during that time. Our good friends of Holy Spirit Ministries, Int’l., Dr. Jerry Smith, and his wife Paula, traveled yearly to conduct the graduations and ordinations. Dr. Smith is now with the Lord, but his wife Paula, along with their daughter Stacey and her husband David Limerick, are continuing the ministry.
In February 2024, Julie and I concluded that in this “race” for salvations before the return of our Lord, it was appropriate for us to hand over the leadership of the ministry in Ghana, West Africa, to others. We proposed the idea to Paula Smith, Stacey, and David Limerick, and they agreed to do it. We were blessed knowing that part of our ministry will be in good hands and be led by the Holy Spirit.
Julie and I are still blessed by supporting Grace Children’s Home and Bethesda Leper Colony in India. On the following pages, you will not only find reports about them but if you scroll down several pages, there are past reports of the work in Ghana.
Thanks for looking, we hope you will be blessed!
Please read the following accounts of salvations, deliverances, and healings, and may you be blessed as you do.
In April 2022, a special offering was given to the ministry to be used to purchase food for the needy in India. We notified Rev. Cornelius of the offering and he advised us the money should be used to buy rice for the 60 residents at the Bethesda Leper Colony. I asked Rev. Cornelius to take photos of the people as they received the bags of rice that was bought with the special offering. He obliged by taking several photos and forwarding them to us. With the exception of an occasional charitable gift, these 60 lepers have not had any ...
Proverbs 31:8-9 says, "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed. Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice." You may be wondering about the title of this article, Speaking Up, but in reading Proverbs 31:8-9 the bottom line is for us to"speak up for the poor", so that is what I am doing. From time to time, Evangelist & Pastor Sikila Cornelius, also the caretaker of the Grace Children's Home for orphans, will send us photos of the many needs of those he sees on a ...
Most people would be surprised to learn that leprosy is alive and well in some countries. One of those places is India where 120,000 to 130,000 new cases of the disease are reported every year. Old myths still linger about the disease such as it is very contagious and it is incurable. But in both cases the very opposite is true. You cannot get leprosy by casual contact such as a handshake, hugging, or being close to someone and it is curable if treated in its early stages. Most experts agree that 95% of the world’s population is genetically immune ...
In March 2022, the founder of Grace Children's Home, Rev. Cornelius, along with seven other pastors traveled 200 miles on motor scooters (two per scooter) to a remote village to preach the Gospel and encourage local Christians. They made videos of the trip and we have combined them into one 5 minute video. The pastors found one church building in which construction had stopped because of a lack of funds. The church was crudely made with mud bricks but it doesn't have a roof, windows, or a door. You will see it in the video. There is also a ...
In January Rev. Cornelius in India contacted us to share there was a desperate need for blankets for villagers who could not afford to buy for themselves. Many people were getting sick and some of the elderly were even dying because of the cold nights without proper means of warming themselves. Consequently, we did a fundraiser on Facebook and raised money for the blankets. We wired the money to Rev. Cornelius as soon as possible and the next day he went to several stores and negotiated for the best price. One store had good-quality blankets for the equivalent of $3.29 ...
It was getting closer to Christmas yet there still were not enough funds to provide food and celebrate Christmas. Rev. Cornelius gathered the orphans, widows, and all concerned to fast and pray that God would come through for them. Finally, on December 20th God provided enough funds for them to celebrate Christmas and at the same time, feed up to 800 people, including the orphans, widows, and pastors with their families. As described in the video, Christmas celebrating is different there. There is eating, singing, and dancing, all to the Glory of God and His celebrated Son, Jesus. Many thanks ...
In America, many lounges, bars, restaurants, clubs, etc., offer the public discounted rates for a certain time they call the "Happy Hour". Millions of people across this great nation enjoy the lower prices, if only for a short time. In other places in the world, one hour of happiness may mean something entirely different. In India, especially at the Grace Children's Home, it may mean having rice with vegetables, curry sauce, and occasionally, one hard-boiled egg. This is what a small offering can do for children without parents or parents unable to care for them for various reasons. It costs ...
Thanks to a few who have given in support of the Grace Children's Home in India, the children are being fed and pure joy can be seen in their faces in the photos below. Pastor Cornelius travels many miles to encourage pastors and sometimes in very remote areas such as the photo below. P. Cornelius encouraged the pastor, his wife, and their congregation in the photos below. The structure behind the pastor and his wife is their church. You can see their congregation in one of the photos. Another photo is a ...
Because of your generosity, this ministry was financially able to assist Rev. Cornelius and volunteers in feeding 40 people who live in the slums. These people are Dalits, the lowest in the caste system, a system which was supposedly outlawed several years ago but still exists in many places in India. The Bible is very clear that we feed the poor. Many thanks to those who sacrificed in their giving.
He who has a generous eye will be blessed, For he gives of his bread to the poor. Proverbs 22:9
India is still a developing nation and although its economy is growing, it has around 84 million people living in extreme poverty. When they are able, Rev. Cornelius and a few volunteers go to the streets to provide food for the homeless Dalits, the "untouchable class" in India. On this occasion they prepared plates containing rice, curry, a hard-boiled egg, banana, and a bag of water for each of the homeless people they encountered on the streets. We thank those of you who have given so generously for this cause. Proverbs 19:17, "He who has pity on the poor ...
Salvation Prayer: Heavenly Father, I am a sinner. I come to You now and confess with my mouth that I believe Jesus is the Son of God, that He died for my sins. I believe in my heart that He rose from the dead and now sits at Your right Hand. Forgive me for all of my past sins and help me to live the life You would have me to live. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen.
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