About C.M.M. Ghana:  The ministry in Ghana had a small beginning in 1995 when we shipped thousands of tracts to Africa. At one time we received an average of 50 letters per day asking for more tracts, Bibles, and teaching materials.  It became evident that a distribution point was needed, so an office was opened in Accra, Ghana.  Very soon an evangelism team was organized and outreaches to remote areas became a regular part of the ministry. Later, video Bible schools were formed in villages.  The C.M.M. team would ride a bus as close to the villages, and from there they would carry the projectors and videos to the villages. Thousands of students graduated, and most were also ordained for ministry during that time. Our good friends of Holy Spirit Ministries, Int’l., Dr. Jerry Smith, and his wife Paula, traveled yearly to conduct the graduations and ordinations. Dr. Smith is now with the Lord, but his wife Paula, along with their daughter Stacey and her husband David Limerick, are continuing the ministry.

In February 2024, Julie and I concluded that in this “race” for salvations before the return of our Lord, it was appropriate for us to hand over the leadership of the ministry in Ghana, West Africa, to others.  We proposed the idea to Paula Smith, Stacey, and David Limerick, and they agreed to do it. We were blessed knowing that part of our ministry will be in good hands and be led by the Holy Spirit. 

Julie and I are still blessed by supporting Grace Children’s Home and Bethesda Leper Colony in India. On the following pages, you will not only find reports about them but if you scroll down several pages, there are past reports of the work in Ghana. 

Thanks for looking, we hope you will be blessed! 

Please read the following accounts of salvations, deliverances, and healings, and may you be blessed as you do.   

Click here for the Daily Bible Reading Plan:       

August 15 – Independence Day in India!

On August 15, 1947, India gained its independence. Just as the Fourth of July is a day of celebration in the U.S. the same is true in India but on a different day. The children at Grace Children's Home celebrated this day with special edible treats and gifts of lunch boxes to take to school. Below are photos of the children with their treats. From the smiles on their faces, it looked like it was a success! ...

Grace Children’s Home – June 2023

The orphans at Grace Children's Home are doing well and as you can see by these photos, it was feeding time at the home. James 1:27 says, "Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you."  (New Living Translation) In his epistle, James is making it clear that in God's Eyes true religion is putting aside your own interests and caring for those unable to care for themselves.  In other words, "self" is either controlling you or you are in control ...

Your and My Purpose in Life

Dear friends of C.M.M. Just a word to let you know that all of us connected to the operation of this ministry are very grateful for your support through your offerings and prayers.   Every person on earth has a purpose, sometimes multiple purposes, to fulfill during their lifetime.   Christians must rely on the Holy Spirit to guide them in this process.  God has placed a sense of purpose in my life to support devout Christians in Ghana to win others to Jesus Christ in that nation and more.  Additionally, it includes Rev. Sikila Cornelius' ministry in India, a man who has ...

God Is Changing India – One Person At A Time

Although Hindu politicians and other government officials rule the country at every level, from the national to the local, the Holy Spirit is still actively working in India, to change it . . . . . one person at a time.  Any attempt to convert others to Christianity will result in imprisonment, physical beatings, and/or death.  But that does not stop some who are driven by the call on their life to share the Gospel regardless of the consequences.   Below are photos of a recent evangelism outreach that saved 35 people.   (Please note that the information in this article must ...

Christian Pastor Is Beaten For Preaching the Gospel

Just today we received a short video from India of a Christian pastor who was pulled out of his church yesterday and beaten for preaching the Gospel.  In India, where the national and local governments are dominated by Hindus, this is not uncommon.   If such an incident was to be reported to the authorities it would be of no use and might even provoke greater anger, which would result in a worse outcome.   Pastor Cornelius explains that is the reason they plea for assistance from outside of India.  Practically no support exists from within, either financially or spiritually.  So, please ...

Important Gifts For The Orphans – November 2022

Here in the U.S., we take so much for granted.  For instance, when was the last time you went without a toothbrush and/or toothpaste?  How about soap?  For many in India, these items are not taken for granted.  In fact, you could say they are considered to be items of luxury, available only to the "rich".  Thanks to many of you, this ministry is able to continue to feed the orphans and pay the staff but sometimes God provides a little extra, and we are able to give more to the orphanage.  That happened recently.  We received a little above ...

Smiles at Grace Children’s Home in India – 2022

Below are photos of the orphans at Grace Children's Home at dinner time.  By the smiles on their faces, it's obvious they are happy to be cared for, even with a simple rice and curry meal.  Thanks to those of you who contribute regularly to this cause.  Let's keep 'em smiling!   Lastly, there are also photos of a recent revival meeting held by Rev. Cornelius.       Below are photos of a revival meeting.  At the podium is Rev. Sikila Cornelius and his wife, Theresa ...

Mosquito Nets for Grace Children’s Home – September, 2022

It has been a while since we posted news from India so here is the latest:  August 2022 - The Lord blessed Grace Children's Home in India with mosquito nets through this ministry.  This time of year, mosquitoes are very thick, so mosquito nets will make sleeping at night more comfortable.  Using the nets will also help prevent the kids from contracting malaria, a disease spread by mosquitoes.  Rev. Cornelius messaged us to say the kids were thrilled to get the nets, which is obvious from the smiles on their faces in the photos.  Each net can cover two children ...

Feeding the Homeless In India – September, 2022

Rev. Sikila Cornelius, founder, and director of the Grace Children's Home, also goes to the streets to find and feed the poor and homeless.  Most of them are Dalits (untouchables) and their only source of income is from begging on the streets.   On this evening, Rev. Cornelius found several to bless with packets of food.   Thanks to all who give into this ministry. We wire your offerings directly to Rev. Cornelius' bank account as soon as possible. Rev. Cornelius provides hot meals in the evenings to over 90 children from poor families in addition to the orphans at Grace Children's ...

A New Tour of Grace Children’s Home – India 2022

Pastor Sikila Cornelius recently sent us a short video of Grace Children's Home after they had done some painting to the compound, inside and out.  Please take about 5 minutes or less to watch the video and if you have comments you can email us with the email address: valblack.cmm@gmail.com The orphanage usually has over 40 children.   Not all of them are included in the video but it gives you an idea of how they begin their day before going to school.  On this particular day, they were blessed with plenty to eat.  That is not true every day.    ...